August 6, 2021
Join us for a late afternoon with Sebastian Schub, one of London's exciting singer-songwriters.
Friday Music: Sebastian Schub
Dates August 6, 2021 - August 6, 2021
Times 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Price Free but Ticketed. Booking will be open shortly.
Location Oxford House Cafe
Sebastian Schub is one of Londons most exciting up-and-coming artists.
Be it at one of Sofar Sounds secret shows, on the stage of Camden’s most notorious talent-farm and music venue, Spiritual Bar – a place that nurtured many of Britain’s brightest new musical talents such as Michael Kiwanuka or Jade Bird, marked by a dominant stage-presence and a powerhouse voice, the 22-year-old is a force of nature and turning heads wherever he goes.
Musically, the young singer wanders somewhere between contemporary Irish Folk Artists like Glen Hansard or Hozier and the great American Soul and Blues artists of the past.
With over 500 live shows in under 3 years and hundreds of hours playing on the streets of London, Dublin or Hamburg Sebastian boasts experience, carries confidence, and shares a compelling passion for a craft in which he seems to be going from strength to strength.
This performance forms part of Oxford House’s Friday Music programme, a series of afternoon music performances in our cafe throughout summer. Performances are ticketed and have limited capacity so booking is essential. If all ticket for this show have all sold out, please keep checking the website to see if more tickets have been released or please book another performance
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